Saturday 5 November 2011


Going after Paul’s advice I did my daily log of one specific thing. Since I was travelling last week – and as we all know during travels strange things happen easier – I decided to do the log of wounds I suffered every day for six days. I have to actually say that it works, because I already wrote poem about it too. And that is the stuff (some of them are kind of disturbing):
Day 1. A knife cut on my right thumb; I got it while cutting the cheese.
Day 2. A paper cut on the same thumb, that one I’ve got while opening the notebook.
Day 3. Hit my left thumb with my luggage and scrape it to blood with a handle; that one was done on the airport.
Day 4. Someone squeezed my upper arm between the door and the door frame. I can’t even remember who exactly did that so there is no one to really blame for spoiling my arm with two gigantic bruises.
Day 5. I have bruised my derriere. And that one I have no idea how I’ve got. I think the defence mechanism is preventing me from remembering. However it is fairly possible that it happened when I was trying to get into the house through window wearing heels…
Day 6. I have bite marks on my right palm and left hand.

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